HDC1080 | CJMCU-1080| Digital Humidity Sensor


Where to Buy?

This sensor is available in many Chinese online websites. CJMCU-1080 Module price varies, but you can get it for approximately $18 in most Websites.

Check Price on Aliexpress Amazon 

About HDC1080

HDC 1080 humidity sensor is a best digital humidity sensor for DIY Arduino Projects that provides excellent measurement accuracy at very low power. HDC1080 works with Arduino, STM32, Raspberry pi, ESP8266 using the I2C bus interface. This article covers HDC1080 Arduino code, Pinout, Datasheet, library, price, specification, features, applications.

This Humidity Sensor supports a wide range of operating power supplies, voltage ranges, and offers a low cost and low power advantage for a variety of common applications compared to competing solutions. The humidity and temperature sensors are factory calibrated.

GY-213V-HDC1080 is a more accurate and easier to use module for Industrial High Precision Humidity measurement with I2C Interface for microcontroller.


  • Industrial apparatuses
  • Smart home
  • HVAC
  • Smart Thermostats and Room Monitors
  • White Goods
  • Printers
  • Handheld Meters
  • Medical Devices
  • Wireless Sensor


  • Relative Humidity Accuracy ±2% (typical)
  • Temperature Accuracy ±0.2°C (typical)
  • Excellent Stability at High Humidity
  • 14 Bit Measurement Resolution
  • 100 nA Sleep Mode Current
  • Average Supply Current:
    • 710 nA @ 1sps, 11 bit RH Measurement
    • 1.3 µA @ 1sps, 11 bit RH and Temperature
  • Supply Voltage 2.7 V to 5.5 V
  • Small 3 mm × 3 mm Device Footprint
  • I2C Interface
Pin Number Pin Name Description
1 VCC Power supply for the module can be 2.7V to 5.5V, typically 3.3V is used
2 GND Ground of the module, connected to ground of the circuit
3 SCL Serial Clock Line, used to provide clock pulse for I2C communication
4 SDA Serial Data Address, used to transfer the data through I2C communication

HDC1080 Datasheet

Download datasheet, it provide details specification, features, dimensions, mounting guidelines etc.

CJMCU-1080 Arduino Wiring

HDC1080 Arduino
HDC1080 Arduino

HDC1080 Arduino Code

For this sensor arduino library is not requred.


Arduino Code Description: This sketch configures the HDC 1080 and Arduino Uno to read and display the local temperature and humidity to serial monitor. Please see the associated schematic for setup information.

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