Electrical Engineering , Projects , Engineering Projects
Latest Electrical Projects in 2021 | DIY Guide
Table of contents
- Electrical projects
- List of latest electrical projects
- IoT based transformer health monitoring system
- Series Transformer-Based Solid State Fault Current Limiter
- Design and implementation of smart energy meter
- Solar power vaccine storage refrigerator
- Solar air purifier using high voltage generator
- Power Factor improvement with CSTL(capacitive switching transient limiter)
- Buck-Boost converter design using Arduino
- Design of Linear AutoTransformer
- SHEPWM (Selective Harmonic Elimination)
- Pure Sine Wave Inverter using Arduino
- VAR Compensation using Thyristor Switched Capacitor
- Solid-State On Load Tap-Changer
- Harmonic and Neutral to Ground Voltage Reduction Using Isolation Transformer
- Design Real Time Battery Monitoring System
- GPS based high efficient Dual axis solar tracker
- Flux-based inturnturn Fault Protection for Power Transformers
- A smart framework for power distribution and load balancing using Arduino
- Automatic Optimization and Control of Power Factor, Reactive Power and Reduction of THD for Linear and Nonlinear Load
- Arduino-Based Protection System to Overcome Voltage Fluctuations
- Arduino Based Transmission line fault analysis and classification

electrical projects for final year engineering students
Electrical Projects
Electrical projects ideas for engineering and diploma students are listed below. We InnovatorsGuru developing on electrical engineering projects from the last 5 years. While working in this field, we deliver 1000+ hardware projects and 200+ software electrical projects to engineering students.
Delivering readymade electrical projects is not fun for students and me. Therefore, we always provide do it yourself projects to our students. In this method students enjoy their project works, they understand every concept clearly. Therefore, we made DIY projects guide for the most innovative and latest projects on electrical engineering, which helps all my users.
Here in this article, we are listing the best 20 electrical engineering projects with their abstract and block diagram [voice explanation will be available, put your request in comment section] and for the 2021-2022 academic year. We sorted these projects from IEEE, Science direct and most reputed international research journals. Some projects listed here are not based on recent research papers but selected in this list because of its concepts. These concepts based projects are provided here as it covers an important part of your major projects and helps you to complete your final year projects.
In this list we tried to cover core electrical projects on following fields
- Power Electronics Projects
- Power System based Projects
- Electricity Generation based projects
- Home Automation and IoT based projects
- Machine Design projects
- Smart Grid based Projects
- Control System based Projects
List of latest 20 Electrical Project ideas for Final Year Electrical Students in 2020
- Power Electronics Projects
- IoT based transformer health monitoring system
- Series Transformer-Based Solid State Fault Current Limiter
- Design and implementation of smart energy meter
- Solar power vaccine storage refrigerator
- Solar air purifier using high voltage generator
- Power Factor improvement with CSTL(capacitive switching transient limiter)
- Buck-Boost converter design using Arduino
- Design of Linear AutoTransformer
- SHEPWM (Selective Harmonic Elimination)
- Pure Sine Wave Inverter using Arduino
- VAR Compensation using Thyristor Switched Capacitor
- Solid-State On Load Tap-Changer
- Harmonic and Neutral to Ground Voltage Reduction Using Isolation Transformer
- Design Real Time Battery Monitoring System
- GPS based high efficient Dual axis solar tracker
- Flux-based inturnturn Fault Protection for Power Transformers
- A smart framework for power distribution and load balancing using Arduino
- Automatic Optimization and Control of Power Factor, Reactive Power and Reduction of THD for Linear and Nonlinear Load
- Arduino-Based Protection System to Overcome Voltage Fluctuations
- Arduino Based Transmission line fault analysis and classification
1. IoT based transformer health monitoring system
Project Concept and Discussion
The primary objective of this electrical project ideas is to monitor distribution transformer health and send data to the IoT dashboard. Transformer Health parameters to be monitored in these projects are as follows :
Oil Level
Oil Quality
Voltage level
Current level
Vibration Noise level
It monitors all the above parameter in real-time and showed on LCD display and it sends the same data to IOT dashboard through GPRS module. In case of over temperature, we start the fan in first stage, if temperature is still not in control then we disconnect the transformer form main supply. In case of low oil level, over voltage and over current, we disconnect the main supply to protect transformer.
2. Series Transformer-Based Solid State Fault Current Limiter
Project Objective and Discussion
The main aim of this power system based project is to limit the fault current and protect the grid elements from unwanted faults.
The proposed fault current limiter is capable of controlling the magnitude of fault current. The primary winding of an isolating transformer is connected to the line in series to regulate the fault current, and the secondary side is connected to a reactor, parallel to a solid-state bypass switch made of triac. By switching the triac, the fault current is reduced. Also, by this fault current limiter project, switching overvoltage is reduced significantly.
The proposed TBSSFCL can improve the power quality and due to its simple design, the cost of the project is comparatively low.
3. Design and implementation of Smart Energy Meter
Project Objective and Discussion
The main feature of Smart energy meters (SEM) is to send precise reading on a regular interval to utility (Electricity provider). So the bills will be accurate and labor cost is reduced using AMR (automatic meter reading).
If the consumer is unable to pay the electricity bill within billing time, the Electricity provider can remotely disconnect the supply of that consumer and after payment, the service continues to the consumer. In such situation no human intervention needed to cut power supply from the grid and again to reconnect their connection.
We added the smart mechanism to detect tampering attempt. When anyone try to open or temper the meter the a small switch will release and send alert to the utility.
If power quality of supply(such as overvoltage, undervoltage) is not in standard limit, then the customer devices can be protected by disconnecting and reconnecting to the mains power supply.
4. Solar Powered Vaccine Storage Refrigerator
Project Objective and Discussion
In many developing nations electricity is not available in remote places from the grid. This is a challenge which risks the sustainability of the cold chain of vaccines storage. The only choices available for several years to electrically powered refrigerators are kerosene and gas-driven refrigerators. they are also plagued by outages in gas supply, lower efficiency, poor temperature control and need regular servicing.
In stage 2 Traditional battery powered refrigerators are comes but they are worked on comparatively expensive battery, which have observed short life.
To overcome all this problems we are going to design this solar based electrical project which saves life of poor community in remotely located community.
5. Solar Air Purifier Using High Voltage Generator [smoke filter]
Project Objective and Discussion
This is one of the best electrical project ideas in 2020 to work in your final year of engineering. The main aim of this project is to detect smoke levels and filter out Smoke. This air purifier is specifically designed to remove smoke particles, fireplace soot, and other associated fumes that cause unpleasant odors in your environment.
Main features
- Solar-powered with battery backup
- Remove Smoke and dust particles
- Smart sensing and autostart
- the eco-friendly and economical method
Smoke gets separated from the air so we can live in a better air quality index. The fans and high voltage generators in the system
are works on solar energy. Form better run-time operation in the night battery management and protection algorithms are used.
6. Power Factor improvement with CSTL ( Capacitive Switching Transient Limiter)
Project Objective and Discussion
Inductive load account for 66.9 % (as of 2019) of electricity consumption, which leads to low power factor and higher losses in electricity distribution.
For efficient use of electricity in the industrial, residential and commercial sector it is essential to control power quality parameters such as voltage level, power factor etc.
The main objective of this electrical engineering project is to implement Static capacitor based power factor improvement to maintain reactive power in the grid. But this method has one limitation while switching, capacitor transient current surge occurs in a system that causes unwanted tripping.
To overcome this problem CSTL is also implemented in this project. This is one of the best power electronics projects for electrical engineers.
7. Buck Boost converter design using Arduino
Project Objective and Discussion
The main feature of Smart energy meters (SEM) is to send precise reading on a regular interval to utility (Electricity provider). So the bills will be accurate and labor cost is reduced using AMR (automatic meter reading).
If the consumer is unable to pay the electricity bill within billing time, the Electricity provider can remotely disconnect the supply of that consumer and after payment, the service continues to the consumer. In such situation no human intervention needed to cut power supply from the grid and again to reconnect their connection.
We added the smart mechanism to detect tampering attempt. When anyone try to open or temper the meter the a small switch will release and send alert to the utility.
If power quality of supply(such as overvoltage, undervoltage) is not in standard limit, then the customer devices can be protected by disconnecting and reconnecting to the mains power supply.
8. Design of Linear AutoTransformer
Project Objective and Discussion
This is an novel design of 3 phase auto transformer. The design of three phase autotransformer by changing the
With this innovative linear core design, we have some important advantages over conventional design such as we can reduce the material costing, size, and inrush current slighltly efficiency.
Linear Autotransformer As compared to laminated E-I types lamination because of the lack of a residual gap in the magnetic path, toroidal transformers take higher inrush current, Toroidal core transformer needs higher labor cost of winding, costly equipment. In toroidal core, it is necessary to pass the entire length of a coil winding through the core aperture each time a single turn is added to the coil.
In this prototype work by using I lamination we are going to design linear autotransformer to improve the cooling, efficiency, to reduce labor cost and also to reduce inrush current. The design of three phase autotransformer by changing the conventional design we can reduce the costing, size, and inrush current as well as increased in efficiency.
Linear Autotransformer As compared to laminated E-I types lamination because of the lack of a residual gap in the magnetic path, toroidal transformers take higher inrush current, Toroidal core transformer needs higher labor cost of winding, costly equipment. In toroidal core, it is necessary to pass the entire length of a coil winding through the core aperture each time a single turn is added to the coil.
In this prototype work by using I lamination we are going to design linear autotransformer to improve the cooling, efficiency, to reduce labor cost and also to reduce inrush current.
9. SHEPWM (Selective Harmonic Elimination)
Project Objective and Discussion
The main feature of Smart energy meters (SEM) is to send precise reading on a regular interval to utility (Electricity provider). So the bills will be accurate and labor cost is reduced using AMR (automatic meter reading).
If the consumer is unable to pay the electricity bill within billing time, the Electricity provider can remotely disconnect the supply of that consumer and after payment, the service continues to the consumer. In such situation no human intervention needed to cut power supply from the grid and again to reconnect their connection.
We added the smart mechanism to detect tampering attempt. When anyone try to open or temper the meter the a small switch will release and send alert to the utility.
If power quality of supply(such as overvoltage, undervoltage) is not in standard limit, then the customer devices can be protected by disconnecting and reconnecting to the mains power supply.
10. Pure Sine Wave Inverter using Arduino
Project Objective and Discussion
The main feature of Smart energy meters (SEM) is to send precise reading on a regular interval to utility (Electricity provider). So the bills will be accurate and labor cost is reduced using AMR (automatic meter reading).
If the consumer is unable to pay the electricity bill within billing time, the Electricity provider can remotely disconnect the supply of that consumer and after payment, the service continues to the consumer. In such situation no human intervention needed to cut power supply from the grid and again to reconnect their connection.
We added the smart mechanism to detect tampering attempt. When anyone try to open or temper the meter the a small switch will release and send alert to the utility.
If power quality of supply(such as overvoltage, undervoltage) is not in standard limit, then the customer devices can be protected by disconnecting and reconnecting to the mains power supply.
11. VAR Compensation using Thyristor Switched Capacitor
Project Objective and Discussion
The main feature of Smart energy meters (SEM) is to send precise reading on a regular interval to utility (Electricity provider). So the bills will be accurate and labor cost is reduced using AMR (automatic meter reading).
If the consumer is unable to pay the electricity bill within billing time, the Electricity provider can remotely disconnect the supply of that consumer and after payment, the service continues to the consumer. In such situation no human intervention needed to cut power supply from the grid and again to reconnect their connection.
We added the smart mechanism to detect tampering attempt. When anyone try to open or temper the meter the a small switch will release and send alert to the utility.
If power quality of supply(such as overvoltage, undervoltage) is not in standard limit, then the customer devices can be protected by disconnecting and reconnecting to the mains power supply.
12. Solid-State On Load Tap-Changer
Project Objective and Discussion
The main feature of Smart energy meters (SEM) is to send precise reading on a regular interval to utility (Electricity provider). So the bills will be accurate and labor cost is reduced using AMR (automatic meter reading).
If the consumer is unable to pay the electricity bill within billing time, the Electricity provider can remotely disconnect the supply of that consumer and after payment, the service continues to the consumer. In such situation no human intervention needed to cut power supply from the grid and again to reconnect their connection.
We added the smart mechanism to detect tampering attempt. When anyone try to open or temper the meter the a small switch will release and send alert to the utility.
If power quality of supply(such as overvoltage, undervoltage) is not in standard limit, then the customer devices can be protected by disconnecting and reconnecting to the mains power supply.
13. Harmonic and Neutral to Ground Voltage Reduction Using Isolation Transformer
Project Objective and Discussion
The main feature of Smart energy meters (SEM) is to send precise reading on a regular interval to utility (Electricity provider). So the bills will be accurate and labor cost is reduced using AMR (automatic meter reading).
If the consumer is unable to pay the electricity bill within billing time, the Electricity provider can remotely disconnect the supply of that consumer and after payment, the service continues to the consumer. In such situation no human intervention needed to cut power supply from the grid and again to reconnect their connection.
We added the smart mechanism to detect tampering attempt. When anyone try to open or temper the meter the a small switch will release and send alert to the utility.
If power quality of supply(such as overvoltage, undervoltage) is not in standard limit, then the customer devices can be protected by disconnecting and reconnecting to the mains power supply.
14. Design Real Time Battery Monitoring System
Project Objective and Discussion
The main feature of Smart energy meters (SEM) is to send precise reading on a regular interval to utility (Electricity provider). So the bills will be accurate and labor cost is reduced using AMR (automatic meter reading).
If the consumer is unable to pay the electricity bill within billing time, the Electricity provider can remotely disconnect the supply of that consumer and after payment, the service continues to the consumer. In such situation no human intervention needed to cut power supply from the grid and again to reconnect their connection.
We added the smart mechanism to detect tampering attempt. When anyone try to open or temper the meter the a small switch will release and send alert to the utility.
If power quality of supply(such as overvoltage, undervoltage) is not in standard limit, then the customer devices can be protected by disconnecting and reconnecting to the mains power supply.
15. GPS based high efficient Dual axis solar tracker
Project Objective and Discussion
The main feature of Smart energy meters (SEM) is to send precise reading on a regular interval to utility (Electricity provider). So the bills will be accurate and labor cost is reduced using AMR (automatic meter reading).
If the consumer is unable to pay the electricity bill within billing time, the Electricity provider can remotely disconnect the supply of that consumer and after payment, the service continues to the consumer. In such situation no human intervention needed to cut power supply from the grid and again to reconnect their connection.
We added the smart mechanism to detect tampering attempt. When anyone try to open or temper the meter the a small switch will release and send alert to the utility.
If power quality of supply(such as overvoltage, undervoltage) is not in standard limit, then the customer devices can be protected by disconnecting and reconnecting to the mains power supply.
16. Flux-based inturnturn Fault Protection for Power Transformers
Project Objective and Discussion
The main feature of Smart energy meters (SEM) is to send precise reading on a regular interval to utility (Electricity provider). So the bills will be accurate and labor cost is reduced using AMR (automatic meter reading).
If the consumer is unable to pay the electricity bill within billing time, the Electricity provider can remotely disconnect the supply of that consumer and after payment, the service continues to the consumer. In such situation no human intervention needed to cut power supply from the grid and again to reconnect their connection.
We added the smart mechanism to detect tampering attempt. When anyone try to open or temper the meter the a small switch will release and send alert to the utility.
If power quality of supply(such as overvoltage, undervoltage) is not in standard limit, then the customer devices can be protected by disconnecting and reconnecting to the mains power supply.
17. A smart framework for power distribution and load balancing using Arduino
Project Objective and Discussion
The main feature of Smart energy meters (SEM) is to send precise reading on a regular interval to utility (Electricity provider). So the bills will be accurate and labor cost is reduced using AMR (automatic meter reading).
If the consumer is unable to pay the electricity bill within billing time, the Electricity provider can remotely disconnect the supply of that consumer and after payment, the service continues to the consumer. In such situation no human intervention needed to cut power supply from the grid and again to reconnect their connection.
We added the smart mechanism to detect tampering attempt. When anyone try to open or temper the meter the a small switch will release and send alert to the utility.
If power quality of supply(such as overvoltage, undervoltage) is not in standard limit, then the customer devices can be protected by disconnecting and reconnecting to the mains power supply.
18. Automatic Optimization and Control of Power Factor, Reactive Power and Reduction of THD for Linear and Nonlinear Load
Project Objective and Discussion
The main feature of Smart energy meters (SEM) is to send precise reading on a regular interval to utility (Electricity provider). So the bills will be accurate and labor cost is reduced using AMR (automatic meter reading).
If the consumer is unable to pay the electricity bill within billing time, the Electricity provider can remotely disconnect the supply of that consumer and after payment, the service continues to the consumer. In such situation no human intervention needed to cut power supply from the grid and again to reconnect their connection.
We added the smart mechanism to detect tampering attempt. When anyone try to open or temper the meter the a small switch will release and send alert to the utility.
If power quality of supply(such as overvoltage, undervoltage) is not in standard limit, then the customer devices can be protected by disconnecting and reconnecting to the mains power supply.
19. Arduino-Based Protection System to Overcome Voltage Fluctuations
Project Objective and Discussion
The main feature of Smart energy meters (SEM) is to send precise reading on a regular interval to utility (Electricity provider). So the bills will be accurate and labor cost is reduced using AMR (automatic meter reading).
If the consumer is unable to pay the electricity bill within billing time, the Electricity provider can remotely disconnect the supply of that consumer and after payment, the service continues to the consumer. In such situation no human intervention needed to cut power supply from the grid and again to reconnect their connection.
We added the smart mechanism to detect tampering attempt. When anyone try to open or temper the meter the a small switch will release and send alert to the utility.
If power quality of supply(such as overvoltage, undervoltage) is not in standard limit, then the customer devices can be protected by disconnecting and reconnecting to the mains power supply.
20. Transmission line Fault Analysis and Classification
Project Objective and Discussion
The main feature of Smart energy meters (SEM) is to send precise reading on a regular interval to utility (Electricity provider). So the bills will be accurate and labor cost is reduced using AMR (automatic meter reading).
If the consumer is unable to pay the electricity bill within billing time, the Electricity provider can remotely disconnect the supply of that consumer and after payment, the service continues to the consumer. In such situation no human intervention needed to cut power supply from the grid and again to reconnect their connection.
We added the smart mechanism to detect tampering attempt. When anyone try to open or temper the meter the a small switch will release and send alert to the utility.
If power quality of supply(such as overvoltage, undervoltage) is not in standard limit, then the customer devices can be protected by disconnecting and reconnecting to the mains power supply.
Hai sir I am Abhijith I have latest ideas for electrical engineering for mini project in my college. I get the subject in your site but did not get the projet and documentation of Solar Air Purifier Using High Voltage Generator [smoke filter] please kindly gave the documentation to my email
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