In many electrical projects, engineer directly deals with measurements with few basic requirements like.

  • High galvanic isolation
  • Parameter display
  • Direct communication with computer
  • Data acquisition and storage with subsequent viewing or copying to the computer.

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PZEM-004T V3.0 or Version 3.0 is the upgraded version to replace the old PZEM004T V1.0. The old version has been sold out in most of the online store and no produce anymore. The updated version of PZEM004T is best for the DIY project, where we need to measure the voltage, current, power, energy, frequency, Power factor (frequency and PF is extra added in the new version) using Arduino/ESP8266/Raspberry Pi like open-source platform.


Check price on Amazon.com | Aliexpress | Banggood | Amazon.in

This module comes with 3 different current measurement options

I recommend the shell protected split current transformer module for a project like Portable AC energy meter, Energy meter for electrical Lab, Energy auditing and measuring equipment etc. as split current Transformer is more flexible than closed one. Closed CT is a low-cost option suitable for fixed type projects like Residential Energy management system, Load control system, IoT based smart Energy meter, etc.

1. 10A range with a built-in Shunt resistor


2. 100A external closed Current Transformer

PZEM-004T 100A

3. 100A external split current Transformer

PZEM-004T split core current transformer

The physical dimensions of the PZEM-004T v3 board is 3.01×7.3 cm, The pzem-004t  V3 module is bundled with 33mm diameter 100A current transformer coil.

The new version has higher precision, faster refresh speed, and more stability communication than the old version.


  • Measuring range:80~260V

  • Resolution: 0.1V

  • Measurement accuracy: 0.5%

Power factor

  • Measuring range: 0.00~1.00

  • Resolution: 0.01

  • Measurement accuracy: 1%


  • Measuring range: 45Hz~65Hz

  • Resolution: 0.1Hz

  • Measurement accuracy: 0.5%


  • Measuring range: 0~10A(PZEM-004T-10A); 0~100A(PZEM-004T-100A)

  • Starting measure current: 0.01A(PZEM-004T-10A); 0.02A(PZEM-004T-100A)

  • Resolution: 0.001A

  • Measurement accuracy: 0.5%

Active power

  • Measuring range: 0~2.3kW(PZEM-004T-10A); 0~23kW(PZEM-004T-100A)

  • Starting measure power: 0.4W

  • Resolution: 0.1W

  • Display format: 
    <1000W, it displays one decimal, such as: 999.9W
    ≥1000W, it display only integer, such as: 1000W
  • Measurement accuracy: 0.5%

Active Energy

  • Measuring range: 0~9999.99kWh

  • Resolution: 1Wh

  • Measurement accuracy: 0.5%

  • Display format: 
    <10kWh, the display unit is Wh(1kWh=1000Wh), such as: 9999Wh
    ≥10kWh, the display unit is kWh, such as: 9999.99kWh

Function Description in short


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Arduino PZEM004T V3 Interfacing 

PZEM-004T Arduino Wiring Diagram


PZEM-004T V3 module has passive serial communication to connect Arduino Uno. Its RX and TX pin needs an external power supply. Connect the 5V pin to Arduino 5V pin, Rx pin to D11 of Arduino and Tx pin to D12 pin of Arduino, GND to GND. In the below diagram, PZEM004T V3 is connected to Arduino using Software serial. Use the following Program to test the module. Before compile download and install the PZEM-004T V3 library.

PZEM004T Arduino Code

This pzem004t Arduino code enable you to measure AC voltage, AC current, Power, Energy, Frequency and Power Factor on serial interface with arduino microcontroller. The library of PZEM-004t V30 works on hardware serial as well as software serial. The result of all parameters are printed on serial monitor of Arduino IDE.  I tested this library code with arduino uno, arduino mega,and nano board.

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NodeMCU/Wemos D1 PZEM004T V3 Connection Diagram

PZEM-004T Wemos d1 mini Wiring Diagram

PZEM-004T nodemcu esp8266 connection wiring diagram

PZEM-004T V3 NodeMCU Wiring Diagram

pzem004t nodemcu esp8266 pzem-004t v3

PZEM-004T V3 module serial communication to connect NodeMCU or Wemos. (Connection is same for ESP8266 NodeMCU) Its RX and TX communication pin needs external 5V power. Connect the 5V pin of Wemos D1 mini to PZEM004T 5V pin, Rx pin to D6 of arduino and Tx pin to D5 pin of Wemos, gnd to gnd. In the below diagram, we connect PZEM004T V3 to Wemos D1 Mini using Software serial. Use the program to test the module. Before compile, download and install the library.

Note: PZEM-004T V3 and ESP8266 NodeMCU are communication works on different voltage level theoretically but in practical life 3.3V nodemcu pins have tolerance of 5V. VU pin is USB 5V pin (only works when NodeMCU powered through USB)

PZEM-004T ESP8266 (NodeMCU) Code

This pzem-004t NodeMCU ( ESP8266 based development board ) code allows you to measure voltage, current, Kw, kwh, Frequency and PF display data on the Blynk app. The purpose of this code is to learn to connect PZEM-004T v3.0 to NodeMCU or Wemos Mini D1.

For complete code and explanations

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As you can see, having a such low-cost module you can design best DIY Projects for your academics, Hobby or personal use etc.  Remember to be safe while working on it as it comes with high voltage AC supply. As given in this guide, different projects will determine how you will use this energy meter module.

I hope you have found some useful tips in this article to carry out your electronics projects. I would love and appreciate your suggestions on how you feel we can improve this article upon. If you have gained a few tips from this article and it has helped you in any way, be generous to share it with others.

Project Applications

IOT Based Energy Meter Reading Using Arduino

IOT based Smart Energy Meter 

More Great Project Using  PZEM-004T V3